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Eurojackpot Results

112.000.000,00 €
Draws in 1 days
8 9 12 14 16 612
Estimated jackpot: 98.000.000,00 €
Draw date: Mar 21, 2025
TierMatch X+XWinnersPayout per winner
I5 + 200,00 €
II5 + 16512.436,00 €
III5 + 02472.247,50 €
IV4 + 2575.017,70 €
V4 + 11,256284,60 €
VI4 + 03,08192,80 €
VII3 + 22,283172,20 €
VIII3 + 150,94619,90 €
IX3 + 0130,03714,80 €
X2 + 231,67028,70 €
XI2 + 1726,0849,90 €
XII1 + 2161,90514,80 €
Total Sum1,107,34919.562.799,50 €

If you played the EuroJackpot then you’re definitely going to want to see the EuroJackpot results, right? You want to make sure that you’re getting the right numbers and that you get them as soon as possible. Luckily, it’s super easy for you to find the results and we’re going to tell you all about the different options you have available right here.winning numbers

  • Newspaper – If you live in an area where the EuroJackpot is actually played you should be able to find the results in the next newspaper that’s printed after the drawing. The numbers are generally in the large newspapers for the area and may also be printed in some of the smaller papers and will generally be available through the online versions as well. This makes for a great way to find the winning numbers if you’re not concerned about getting them immediately after the drawing.
  • Watch Live – If you really want to know the numbers immediately the best way to do that is to watch live and see what the numbers are as they’re drawn. The EuroJackpot results could be shown immediately and you can have your ticket ready so that you can watch each number and see if it matches the numbers that you have on your ticket. If it does match you’re going to be one of the first people to know it and you can immediately get out there and see what needs to be done in order to claim your prize, whether it’s large or small.
  • Check Online – There are a host of different lottery websites where you can find the winning numbers as well. Some of these are going to post the numbers immediately after the drawing. Some might post a few hours or even a day or more after the drawing. If you want to find out quickly it’s important that you pay attention to when your chosen website posts and then visit the ones that will have the results when you want them. If you’re looking at ways to get the results as fast as possible you should look for websites that actually sell the tickets.
  • Official Websites – One of the places you can check numbers online is also the official website of the game that you’re playing. So, Euromillions results will be available directly through the website. All you need to do is check it out. And those numbers are generally posted as soon as the winning numbers are drawn. That means you’re not going to have to wait around to get the results and see whether you’ve won something or not. You’ll also have an even easier claim process when you check out the winning numbers here versus checking them in the newspaper or just watching them live.
  • One place you can get the lottery results right away is with Even better, you can actually purchase your tickets directly through the platform and then you’ll be able to see what the winning numbers are and which of your numbers are a match to those winning numbers. This gets you the winnings that you’ve earned just a little bit faster. Plus, you don’t have to try and match the numbers. Those numbers are going to be matched up entirely for you, so you’re ready to make your claim.

Are you ready to play EuroJackpot online and do you want to make sure you’re getting your tickets the right way? Well, it’s not going to be difficult at all because you can just sign up with and you’ll be able to purchase the tickets you want and see how to pick out the numbers you want. The whole process is easy and before you know it, you could be winning a prize in an entirely different country. Wouldn’t that be a whole lot of fun and a great way to enjoy your time playing the lotto?