Have you been seeing advertisements to play lottery online for free where you can win something without ever having to pay for a ticket? If you have then you’ve probably thought about trying it out, right? After all, who wouldn’t want to get a free ticket and win a lot of money? But you may have been a little bit cautious about whether it’s really a good idea to get involved. Well, here’s what we have to say about it.
How is it possible to win something without paying for a ticket?
The truth is, it’s not. If you don’t directly know the organization that’s offering you a free ticket (and by that we mean you would walk up and talk to the person running it) you’re likely getting involved with a scam. These free lottery scams are not going to give you a chance of winning because they’re likely not even running an actual lotto or even doing anything where you could win a prize. That’s why they’re really a scam, and we’ll talk about just why they’re doing this below.
Is there actually a chance of winning something?
So, can you win something if you play the lottery online for free? Unfortunately, no. You’re not going to be able to win a prize by getting involved with a free online lotto system. These programs are not created for you to be able to win and they’re not created for you to be able to even understand what’s going on, because if you understood you would likely never give them your information, and that’s what they’re really looking for.

That means you’re going to be putting your money in and possibly doing other activities for them without the chance of actually getting anything in return. That’s definitely not a good use of your time and it’s not something that you want to bother with. Instead, look for legitimate sites where you’ll be able to purchase lottery tickets and win actual prizes.
What is the purpose of those free lottery scams?
So, what’s the purpose of these free lotto scams? The purpose is to get your personal information. When you fill out the information to get your ‘free lotto ticket’ you’re actually giving the people claiming to run that drawing your name, address, phone number and possibly even account information. All of that information can be used to steal your identity or to sign you up for other services. At the very least you’re going to get a whole lot of spam emails, phone calls, and mailers. At worst, you could have your identity stolen.
It’s extremely important that you don’t give out your information to any of these scams and if you have, contact your local law enforcement for more information about what you should do to protect your identity. They will be able to give you some advice on your next steps so you can protect yourself from being taken advantage of.
Is RedFoxLotto a legal service?
Luckily, RedFoxLotto is very much a legal service. You will be able to enter your information into our secure site and you’ll never have to worry about us spamming you with content you don’t want or passing off your information to someone else who might. You’ll be able to enjoy playing a completely legal and real method of lotto instead. We have secure systems in place throughout our website, so you can feel comfortable browsing and you can feel comfortable when you’re ready to make a purchase.
Can I get free tickets at RedFoxLotto?
Unfortunately, you’re normally not going to be able to get free tickets through RedFoxLotto. We charge for the tickets because we have to pay for the tickets and that way, you can win the money that you deserve. When you buy a ticket with RedFoxLotto, however, you know you’re actually participating in the lotto for real, and not one of those play lottery online for free scams. You’ll know you’re actually joining into a real lottery game, and that your identity and your information is going to be completely safe while you do.
All that said, we do run promotions from time to time. For example, you will sometimes get an extra ticket for free when you buy tickets for the first time. Those promotions are bonus offers for our paying customers, and that is a different matter entirely.