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El Gordo Results

El Gordo Primitiva
15.100.000,00 €
Draws in 5 days
2 30 37 38 54
Estimated jackpot: 14.600.000,00 €
Draw date: Mar 23, 2025
TierMatch X+XWinnersPayout per winner
I5 + K00,00 €
II500,00 €
III4 + K1217.828,82 €
IV4138278,26 €
V3 + K75757,97 €
VI36,96820,47 €
VII2 + K13,3188,24 €
VIII2116,7633,00 €
IXK262,3921,50 €
Total Sum400,3481.292.481,29 €

Check the latest draw results for El Gordo here on our website. If you have a ticket already, go to your account’s “My tickets” section and you can see if your ticket has won right away.

Results for the El Gordo Navidad

results lotto

When you play Spain’s El Gordo, the Christmas lottery, get ready for a very special type of draw. In a three-hour ceremony, which is held on December the 22nd every year, the winning numbers are drawn. The entire procedure is broadcast live on television. There will be two huge golden drums, one of which contains all the numbers between 00000 and 99999, and another one containing balls with the type of winning on them.

When you play Spain’s El Gordo, the Christmas lottery, get ready for a very special type of draw. In a three-hour ceremony, which is held on December the 22nd every year, the winning numbers are drawn. The entire procedure is broadcast live on television. There will be two huge golden drums, one of which contains all the numbers between 00000 and 99999, and another one containing balls with the type of winning on them.

The result is not a combination of numbers, but every ticket holds a single five-digit number. With a price of 200€ per ticket, most participants buy a “decimo”, which is a tenth of a ticket. Thus, most prizes are shared. And very often, families chip in to buy a full ticket, and when their number wins, the whole family wins something. That makes this lottery even more popular.

El Gordo winning numbers

The results of El Gordo will not merely be displayed but also sung by a choir of children from the San Ildefenso school of Madrid. Whatever your winning number may be, the tension lasts until the last moment. Do not give up hope until the last winning number has been drawn.